Sponsoring & Receiving Free Books


Become a Book Sponsor!

Cancer is expensive and we don’t want the cost of a book to be another burden. If Braving Chemo has resonated with you, help us to get books into the hands of people undergoing chemotherapy by becoming a book sponsor. 

We created the Braving Chemo Venmo Contribution Fund to make sponsorship easy. Send any amount through the Venmo account: @BravingChemoBook, and whether you contribute $1, $10, or more, we’ll use the funds to send copies of Braving Chemo to cancer centers and organizations that distribute the book for free. Together, we can give the gift of knowledge and improve the lives of chemotherapy patients. 

*Contributions are not tax-deductible. 

Get Books for Your Organization!

If you represent a cancer non-profit organization, cancer center or physician practice and you would like to receive copies of Braving Chemo to give to your patients, sign up on the form below and we will contact you.